И как хороши игра актеров и инглиш. По-русски почему-то все совсем не так...
"Titanic" 1997I s m a y (Andrews enters room with crew behind him; he lays out architectural drawings on table, with Ismay behind him). Most unfortunate, captain!
T h o m a s A n d r e w s (perspiring and trembling). Water... fourteen feet above the keel in ten minutes. In the forepeak, in all three holds and in the boiler room six.
I s m a y. When can we get underway, damnit!
T h o m a s A n d r e w s. That's five compartments! She can stay afloat with the first four compartments breached, but not five!
(Tersely to Smith)
Not five. As she goes down by the head, the water will spill over the tops of the bulkheads at E deck from one to the next. Back and back. There's no stopping it.
S m i t h. The pumps... if we opened the doors...
T h o m a s A n d r e w s (interrupting). The pumps buy you time, but minutes only. From this moment, no matter what we do, Titanic will founder.
I s m a y (incredulously). But this ship can't sink!
T h o m a s A n d r e w s. She's made of iron, sir! I assure you, she can... and she will. It is a mathematical certainty.
S m i t h. How much time?
T h o m a s A n d r e w s. An hour... two at most.
S m i t h. And how many aboard, Mr. Murdoch?
1 s t O f f i c e r W i l l i a m M u r d o c h. 2,200 souls on board, sir.
S m i t h (turning to Ismay). Well, I believe you may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay.
R a d i o m a n. CQD.. sir?
S m i t h. That's right. CQD. It's distress code. That's our position. Tell whoever response that we're going down by the head and need immediate assistance.