Me: Hey Sergei, how do you spell "your" in Russian as in "this is your...thing"?
Sergei: Well that depends on many things.
Me: Huh, really? Like what?
Sergei: Is the "thing" you're referring to masculine, feminine or neuter?
Me: Uh, I just mean some a book. It doesn't have a sex.
Sergei: And the person you're addressing, are they younger or older than you?
Me: hmmm...
Sergei: Also, is this person male or female?
Me: Well, uh, I don't really know.
Sergei: Is the person fat?
Me: You have a different spelling for talking to fat people?
Sergei: Are you speaking on a Tuesday or some other day?
Me: I don't have a different spelling for Tuesdays?!?
Sergei: Tuesdays can be sad and dreary. Is the person you're addressing taller or shorter than you?
Me: Does it really matter?
Sergei: Well of course, how would you know what spelling to use?
Me: :S
Me: :S
Me: :S
Sergei: How do you know what spelling to use in English?
Me: Well, there's only one word in our language for "your" and it's..."your".
Sergei: English...such a primitive language!

Иностранца, хвастающего отличным знанием русского языка, можно легко проверить, попросив его перевести на свой родной язык фразу: "Косил косой косой косой". Если в результате у него получится вот такое предложение: "Срезал траву пьяный человек с дефектом зрения инструментом для срезания травы", то он действительно отлично знает наш "великий и могучий". "